- 103-240 Waterloo Street, London, Ontario, N6B 2N4
- Office (519) 661-0380
Scott Purdy
BrokerWith over 30 years of experience, Scott has done everything from managing a prominent Real Estate company to owning his own company. His true passion is sales. He is one of the top-producing agents in his office of over 300 realtors, and one of London’s top 10 selling realtors. Scott has built a long-standing reputation of honesty and integrity. He is a Broker who can be trusted to do what’s right for his clients. Scott has many years of extensive experience with New Home Builders and currently represents Sunlight Heritage Homes, Castell Homes, and Phillip Hazzard Homes Ltd. Scotts wealth of knowledge and expertise is a true benefit to his clients, who rely on him continuously for his services.